Cross-posted at Election Inspection and Daily Kos
On behalf of our residential veteran, Skywrnchsr509, Election Inspection is proud to present our Memorial Day Donor Bomb for Democratic Veterans running for congress against Republican crumb-bums. Even though Election Inspection will ultimately have a list of every single Democratic candidate running for the House on Act Blue, we would also like to give a big shout out to veterans running for congress who are currently not getting support from the DCCC or groups like VoteVets. So we’re going to put out a list of candidates for people to vote on to receive a Memorial Day Voter Bomb so that we might attract groups like VoteVets to these candidates and allow them to. So without further delay, let’s take a look at the candidates to choose from:
Bill O'Neill
Wiki Page
Campaign Website
Running in: OH-14 (PVI: R+2)
Republican Incumbent: Steve LaTourette
Fred Johnson
Campaign Website
Running in: MI-02 (PVI: R+9)
Republican Incumbent: Peter Hoekstra
Hal Bidlack
Wiki Page
Campaign Website
Running in: CO-05 (PVI: R+16)
Republican Incumbent: Doug Lamborn
Robert Miller
Campaign Website
Running in: SC-02 (PVI: R+9)
Republican Incumbent: Joe Wilson
Daniel Johnson
Wiki Page
Campaign Website
Running in: NC-10 (PVI: R+10)
Republican Incumbent: Patrick McHenry
This poll will be conducted on Daily Kos and Swing State Project, on Sunday we'll add up the votes and create an Act Blue page for . For too long George Bush and the Republicans have called Democrats weak on defense and military issues while they ruin our country's good name and stretch the military to the breaking point. These veterans all know what it is to sacrifice for their country and they know that George Bush, John McCain, and the rest of the Republican party is bad for our fighting men and women. Let's send a message that we're not going to take it anymore, vote in our polls off-site so we can take a step against the Republicans (this is going to be the first in a series of donor bombs for Veterans running for Congress who are not getting assistance from VoteVets or the DCCC).

This poll will close at 8 PM ET, so if you haven;t voted already, please vote now. Good luck to all the candidates.